Our congregations are committed to being Gospel Sharing communities making a global impact.  Our commitment to being ON MISSION extends to the furthest corners of the globe.

Global missions is transformative.  We have the opportunity to share our resources with those in other nations.  We share the love of Jesus in word, deed and substance.  But we are also recipients.  We are inspired by the faith and vitality of believers in other nations.  World missions is a transformational partnership.  We are calling for all of our congregations and members to be ON MISSION globally.

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On Mission --  Our Key Objectives:

  1. Share the news of congregations that are already engaged in world missions

  2. Animate and encourage every congregation to be engaged in world missions

  3. Encourage every member to be personally engaged in world missions, through:   prayer, finances, or being on a foreign missions team.

  4. Create the resources to enable the fulfilment of these objectives

Global Mission Opportunities

AMMiC – Our Asian and Multicultural Ministries is focused on evangelizing and church planting among new immigrants and ethnic minorities.

ARDFC – Our global relief and development arm – Anglican Relief and Development Fund Canada (ARDFC) partners with Anglican churches in the Global South as they seek to “restore health, hope and dignity in Jesus name” in the midst of often desperate situations.

Cuban church partnership – Some of our churches are partnering with fledgling Reformed Episcopal Church (REC) plants in Cuba. 

Refugee sponsorship – A number of our parishes are involved in sponsoring refugees. The Rev Rich Roberts is a resource for churches considering this ministry.

Priority Leader

Rev. Canon Brian McVitty


Global Mission Projects Supported by Our Churches

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