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Sanctity of Life Sunday

As a diocese which affirms the sanctity of life we are encouraging all our parishes to make a special effort on Sunday May 6th to affirm that life is a gift from God; gift from start to finish. This could take many forms in worship, prayer and teaching.


Sanctity of Life Sunday will begin the Week of Affirming Life during which there will be various events across Canada celebrating and affirming life as a precious gift from God. The theme this year is "ON THE WAY" presented by our friends at Anglicans for Life Canada (AFLC), intended to highlight all the seasons of the life journey and God's presence and love and grace for all of them. All is gift.


Here's how AFLC describes this year's theme:

"All of life is made up of moments that are “On the Way” – this year’s Theme presented by Anglicans for the Life Canada.

These bookends of life – birth to death – and the entire story in between is all God’s to author. And He has chosen us to be part of his ongoing story as we walk with his Son, Jesus."


Events & Resources

If you would like some ideas and resources for how to affirm the gift of life in your church, or for more information about other life-affirming events happening May 6-12 please see the  Anglicans For Life Canada website.


We'd also encourage you to consider signing up to the AFLC email mailing list to stay informed about their news and events.

Looking to promote Sanctity of Life Sunday on your church website or social media? You can download our banner image here.

Earlier Event: April 24
Clergy Silent Retreat
Later Event: July 6
Making All Things New - Ottawa