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Burlington, Ontario | November 20-22


It is with great joy and anticipation that we invite you now to register for Synod 2024, our diocesan general synod, coming this November to Burlington, Ontario. We are being hosted this year by St. George’s Church. Join us in giving thanks for them and praying for them as they kindly prepare to host us.

Since we gathered in Vancouver for synod last year much has happened, and through our parishes, church plants and projects, our diocese has continued to develop, multiply and proclaim the good news of Jesus across the continent and beyond. 

We are so grateful for what the Lord is doing in our midst; for new leaders being educated and ordained for Gospel-ministry, young clergy being trained and mentored for faithful gospel ministry, and for new congregations forming, planting and growing. We continue to give thanks for the tremendous ongoing support and generosity we are seeing towards these initiatives rising up all across the diocese. And we look forward to sharing more about all this with one another as we gather together in November.


 Some of our Featured Speakers


Bishop Dan Gifford

Bishop Dan is our diocesan bishop and will be the chair of Synod. He will present the Bishop’s Charge to the diocese and other teaching during our time together.

Rev. Cn. Simon Manchester

Simon Manchester will be with us to deliver much of our Bible Teaching during Synod 2024.

Simon was rector of St. Thomas’ Church in North Sydney, Australia for 30 years. He is the author of multiple books and devotionals. He served as Senior Mentor for Preaching at Moore Theological College, and his longtime radio program is listened to by thousands across Australia and around the world.

He and his wife, Kathy, have three adult children.

Rev. Cn. David Roseberry

Canon David will be presenting for us on stewardship at both our Clergy Day and during our first day at synod. With over 40 years of experience as a Senior Pastor, Canon David has dedicated his life to guiding and inspiring congregations.

As the founder of "The LeaderWorks Trust," David assists congregations in the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) with kick-starter grants for capital or improvement projects.

In addition to his work with the Trust, David serves as a coach and mentor to leaders within the ACNA.

A prolific writer, speaker, and communicator, David has authored over seven books.

He and his wife, Fran, reside in the North Dallas/Plano area, surrounded by the love and support of their children and grandchildren.



This year at synod we will giving a special focus to our diocesan priority of Discipling Children and Youth. Our theme will be “Let the Children Come to Me” based on Mark 10:13-16:

And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.

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Below we have a draft agenda. Some parts are still subject to change but it gives a basic outline of our time together.


We are intending to livestream some of the services at synod. You can watch from our YouTube channel using the link below.

Livestreaming schedule (all times are EST):

Wednesday - Nov. 20

  • 9:30am - Morning Prayer & Bible Teaching

  • 7:30pm - Opening Eucharist & Bishop’s Charge

Thursday - Nov. 21

  • 9:30am - Morning Prayer & Bible Teaching

Friday - Nov. 22

  • 9:30am - Morning Prayer & Bible Teaching


This year we are being generously hosted by St. George’s Burlington. Join us in praying for them as they kindly prepare to receive us.


4691 Palladium Way
Burlington, Ontario

Tel: 905-335-6222
