Clergy Resources


We also have clergy and staff specific resources on our Staff/Parish resources site.



The Book of Common Prayer 2019
Our new Prayer Book, ‘The Book of Common Prayer 2019’, is now a reality. This book is the product of thousands of volunteer hours from scholars all across the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), including input from our very own Bishop Charlie Masters, Bishop Stephen Leung, Dr. J.I. Packer, Archdeacon Darrell Critch and Archdeacon Michael McKinnon. This is now the standard for our worship in the Anglican Network in Canada. With it comes the finalized form of the ‘Sunday, Holy Day and Commemoration Lectionary’ which provides a three-year cycle of four readings for each Sunday of the Christian Year. Also included is a new Daily Office Lectionary.

The full text of the Book of Common Prayer 2019 may be found on The Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) website at The lectionaries may be found here.

In addition to forms of service authorized by Section II of the Canons, the following developed liturgies are authorized for use by our congregations:

ACNA Texts for Common Prayer, which includes:

—Morning & Evening Prayer
—Holy Eucharist
—The Ordinal
—Guiding Principles of Christian Worship

1552 Order of Holy Communion in Modern English
This order is approved by the House of Bishops for use by our congregations on a trial basis until 1 May 2017. Others may use this text with the approval of their bishop.

Download: To encourage broad use, the new 1552 order is provided in two versions, one with Canadian spellings and the other with US spellings. Please note that, thanks to the great response and excellent suggestions, the working group has updated the original texts. Version 2.1 is posted here.

Canadian Version 2.1 (PDF | Word)
US Version 2.1 (PDF | Word)

More information: See the letter to ANiC clergy from the House of Bishops introducing and setting parameters for the use of this new order and review this helpful Q&A.

Feedback: Those who choose to use this new 1552 order are asked to provide feedback to the Liturgy Working Group, before 1 May 2016.

1552 Liturgy Working Group: This new 1552 order was prepared by a Liturgy Working Group within ANiC, comprised of:

—The Rev Canon David Short
—The Rev Canon Dr J I Packer
—The Ven Dan Gifford
—The Ven Bruce Chamberlayne
—The Rev Josh Wilton

ACNA Ordinal

Download the Ordinal

Daily Office

Following the daily rhthym laid out by the Anglican Book of Common Prayer and the annual Church calendar there are readings and liturgies for each morning, midday and evening of the year. These daily rites or "offices"—Morning Prayer, Midday Prayer, Evening Prayer & Compline— are often collectively called The Daily Office.
View the Daily Office»

Liturgical Calendar

Canon Tom Carman has prepared a Liturgical Calendar based on the ACNA Lectionary. It provides the day of the church year, liturgical colour, readings, Collect and Proper Preface for any given Sunday and the Major Holy Days. In addition he has created a digital calendar that may added to most smartphone, tablet and computer calendar apps as a subscription or imported. You can learn more and access the calendar here: Liturgical Calendar

Watch this video that explains the church year in 4 minutes

Lectionary Options

ACNA Eucharistic and Daily Office Lectionaries

Our new Prayer Book, ‘The Book of Common Prayer 2019’, is now a reality. This book is the product of thousands of volunteer hours from scholars all across the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), including input from our very own Bishop Charlie Masters, Bishop Stephen Leung, Dr. J.I. Packer, Archdeacon Darrell Critch and Archdeacon Michael McKinnon. This is now the standard for our worship in the Anglican Network in Canada. With it comes the finalized form of the ‘Sunday, Holy Day and Commemoration Lectionary’ which provides a three-year cycle of four readings for each Sunday of the Christian Year. Also included is a new Daily Office Lectionary.

The full text of the Book of Common Prayer 2019 may be found on The Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) website at The lectionaries may be found here.

To help our parishes and clergy in finding the right readings for any given Sunday, Canon Tom Carman has prepared a Liturgical Calendar. It provides the day of the church year, readings and liturgical colour for any given Sunday and the Major Holy Days. Go to our Liturgical Calendar page for details. A digital version that may be imported into most computer or smart phone calendar apps is also available there.

The following lectionaries remain approved for use:

The 1962 Canadian Book of Common Prayer Lectionary. 
 The Collects, Epistles and Gospels for Sunday Eucharists may be found here. An printable version of the Daily Office Lectionary may be found here.

The Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) A generic RCL can be found here.

The Church of England's 'Common Worship' (CW) Lectionary This is a variation of the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL). It maintains some Anglican distinctives around the church year but, for the most part, follows the RCL. An easy to use on-line version with links to the readings can be found here. Please note, you must choose the relevant year (year in which Advent 1 falls) and scripture version at the top of the page (e.g. choose 2019 for the coming church year of 2019-2020).

The Church of England website has links to lectionary apps for iPhone/iPad or Android. You can find them here.

Clergy Care

We want to do a good job of caring for our clergy and their families. To that end we encourage our clergy and parishes to be guided by these principles:

—That health and life and rightly ordered living is God's will for all of us.
—That clergy have a responsibility to ourselves and our families to seek to live in a way which is healthy so that we can do the work that He has called us to over the long haul.
—That parishes have a responsibility to care for their clergy

We expect clergy to:

—Walk with God every day. This means personal time with the Lord, daily offices and much intake of the Word, and time for leisurely prayer with the Lord.
—Seek first things first and to keep things in their right order: God, then family (including yourself), then work responsibilities and others.
—Take Sabbath rest and your day off every week, and also to be careful to take your holidays as a family.

Bishops and archdeacons have a responsibility to:

—Teach, encourage, affirm, stand with and promote healthy living among clergy.
—Help congregations support their clergy and love their clergy so that they can live healthy lives.
—If we have concerns, provide clergy with honest feedback and, when required, resources and referrals.
—Model healthy living ourselves.

You can learn more about our head of clergy care on our Leadership page. Clergy can find more information, past communications and other resources on our password protected Resources website. If you do not yet have access to this site, please contact us.


Webinars, videos & presentations
Evangelical Fellowship of Canada webinar with Karen Stiller, Dr Wanda Malcom and others

Helping your clergy to function between Rust Out and Burn Out - Bishop Trevor Walters — Synod 2015 (Video | Audio)

EAS Syndrome: Healing Burnout in Adults Lacking Parental Affirmation, by Bishop Trevor Walters
(for information on ordering in quantity at a steep discount see these instructions)

**Articles **
Balance in Life
US statistics on clergy health
Guard against burnout
Pastoral Well-being
Clergy Care Network (Focus on the Family)

Equipping for ministry (courses)
Regent College Summer Programs

ACNA Recommended Seminaries

View the List

Job Opportunities

View ANiC Job Openings


Parish Resources


Diocesan Constitutions & Canons

Diocesan constitution – approved by Synod 2014
Diocesan Canons – amended November 2024
Key resolutions – approved by Synod 2014
Synod Rules of Order – amended October 2014
Report of the Governance Task Force – December 2013
Theological Commission Report – November 2008

ACNA Constitutions & Canons

View on the ACNA website

Diocesan foundational theological statements

Jerusalem Declaration
Montreal Declaration (founding document of the Anglican Essentials Canada movement)
Solemn Declaration of 1893 (Anglican Church of Canada founding document)

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. WE, the Bishops, together with the Delegates from the Clergy and Laity of the Church of England in the Dominion of Canada, now assembled in the first General Synod, hereby make the following Solemn Declaration:

WE declare this Church to be, and desire that it shall continue, in full communion with the Church of England throughout the world, as an integral portion of the One Body of Christ composed of the Churches which, united under the One Divine Head and in fellowship of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, hold the One Faith revealed in Holy Writ, and defined in the Creeds as maintained by the undivided primitive Church in the undisputed Ecumenical Councils; receive the same Canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, as containing all things necessary to salvation; teach the same Word of God; partake of the same Divinely ordained Sacraments, through the ministry of the same Apostolic Orders; and worship One God and Father through the same Lord Jesus Christ, by the same Holy and Divine Spirit who is given to them that believe to guide them into all truth.

And we are determined by the help of God to hold and maintain the Doctrine, Sacraments, and Discipline of Christ as the Lord hath commanded in his Holy Word, and as the Church of England hath received and set forth in The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Church of England; together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches; and the Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests and Deacons and in the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion; and to transmit the same unimpaired to our posterity.

Comment on the importance of the Solemn Declaration
This foundational document of the Anglican Church of Canada is included in the Book of Common Prayer 1959/62 which is the authorized Prayer Book of the Anglican Church of Canada. It is under the doctrinal stipulations of this Book of Common Prayer that all worship, including that from the Book of Alternative Service, must be based. The Solemn Declaration defines the foundations of faith as being the Holy Scriptures, the Traditional Creeds, and the 39 Articles of Faith. From these statements there can be no deviation within the Anglican Church of Canada.

Glossary of Anglican Terms

Dowload PDF


See ACNA Catechism Resources
See Diocesan Catechism Resources

Evangelism & Discipleship Resources

Here are some disicpleship resources some of our parishes have found beneficial:

The Word One to One - an evangelism tool specifically for reading the Bible with someone one on one. The resources is availble in print, through an app, or via their website.

Christianity Explored - a program and resources for introducing and delving deeper into what it means to be a Christian. Rico Tice, along with Barry Cooper and Sam Shammas, originally produced the Christianity Explored materials in the late 1990s, under the ministry of John Stott and Richard Bewes at All Souls Church, Langham Place in Central London.

Alpha - a program and resources for learning and discussing the basics of what Christiantiy is all about. It is developed by Holy Trinity Brompton, London.

Anglican Agenda series by J I Packer and the Ginger Group

The Anglican Agenda series of 21 publications, edited by Dr. J.I. Packer and written by theologians of the Ginger Group, opens up current questions that call for thought, discussion, prayer and decision particularly among the Anglicans at this time.

Each short book covers a different, important topic making the series perfect for study by an adult small group. If the group studied one book each week, the series could be completed in about 4 months.

It is hoped that the series will spark deep personal reflection and group discussion, so that we all may be better prepared for the difficult and demanding era into which our Church – and culture – has entered.

Accessing the books
You can download the pdfs from the list below.

Ginger Group books
Taking Faith Seriously, by J I Packer
Taking Love Seriously, by Dawn McDonald and James Wagner
Taking the Anglican Communion Seriously, by Terry Buckle and Archie Pell
Taking our Future Seriously, by Paul Woehrle and Peter Klenner
Taking Evangelism Seriously, by David Edwards
Taking Repentance Seriously, by J I Packer
Taking Christian Unity Seriously, by J I Packer
Taking The Bible Seriously, by Lloyd Arnett
Taking The Church's Year Seriously, by Norah Johnston
Taking Doctrine Seriously, by J I Packer
Taking Discipleship Seriously, by Timothy Ernst
Taking the Trinity Seriously, by Lloyd Arnett
Taking the Holy Spirit Seriously, by J I Packer
Taking Worship Seriously, Dr Archie Pell
Taking Christian Disciplines Seriously, by Peter Klenner
Taking Prayer Seriously, by Mike Stewart
Taking Fellowship Seriously, by Jim Salladin
Taking Church Seriously, by J I Packer
Taking Holy Communion Seriously, Brett Cane
Taking Marriage Seriously, Archie Pell
Taking Baptism Seriously, J I Packer

Stewardship Resources

These resources are intended for use in the parish – and personally – to support parish ministry and encourage us in our discipleship journey. We hope to add new resources over time.

The Evergreen Project - A stewardship resource site from the ACNA "creating, collecting, AND curating resources for a thriving church." It includes videos, articles and more to help churches steward their finances and resources.

Stewardship video series 1 – Canon Paul Donison
Video 1: A Generous God (PDF script)
Video 2: Ownership and Stewardship (PDF script)
Video 3: Investment (PDF script)
Video 4: Adventures in Kingdom Giving (PDF script)
Video 5: Tithing (PDF script)
Gospel Patrons videos – A series of short, personal vignettes featuring business people and professionals

Videos on Anglicanism

View a regularly updated orthodox Anglican Perspective produced by the American Anglican Council and featuring Canon Phil Ashey. You can see these very short, challenging videos here.

Anglican Relief and Development Fund (released September 2010)
The Anglican Church in North America’s global aid arm (ARDF) has released a short video introducing its work. ARDF is the US-based counterpart of the Canadian-based ARDF-Canada (or ARDFC). See the video here.

Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCon), June 2008 • Videos of all major sessions here. • Canadian participants reflect on their experiences. See the videos here.

Compelled by Christ's Love ANiC national conference, 25-26 April 2008
See the video of all conference sessions here.

Anglican Crossroads, a St John’s Vancouver video, featuring the Rev David Short and the Rev Dr J I Packer, explaining the Anglican Crisis. See it in 10 minute segments.

Kendall Harmon’ssummary of the crisis in Anglicanism. (Third item “The Iceberg”)

Documents of Interest

CROSSING THE IMPOSSIBLE – The Rt Rev Ronald Ferris, 14 August, 2011

Go. Travel light. Do the will of the Father!– Bishop Ron Ferris First sermon at Saint Matthew’s Anglican Church (Abbotsford, BC) in their new facility, 10 July, 2011

Continuing with the global Anglican Communion but departing from the Anglican Church of Canada, The Rev Robin Guinness, January 10, 2011

Anglicans and the good fight of faith, Margaret Helder, April 14 2010 (appeared in the April 14, 2010 edition of Christian Renewal)

Servant of God, Rev Tom Carman, February 28, 2010

Anglican Reformations: Endings and Beginnings, George Egerton, November 1, 2009

The Rev Paul Donison’s letter of resignation from his ACoC parish, Sept 23, 2009

Archbishop Greg Venables' speech at FCA, July 6, 2009

Church and Schism, Dr J I Packer, Spring 2009

Article submitted to the Church Times published in edited form on March 13, 2009 Bishop Donald Harvey [The published version can be seen here.]

Report to the Anglican Mainstream gathering, Church of England General Synod, Bishop Donald Harvey, February 12, 2009

Anglican Links

Anglican Church in North America
Anglican Church in North America (ACNA)
Reformed Episcopal Church of Canada
Anglican Relief and Development Fund Canada (ARDFC)
Anglican Relief and Development Fund
American Anglican Council
Anglican Communion
Anglican Coalition in Canada
Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans
The Ekklesia Society
Global South
Anglican ministry resources
Artizo Training Institute
Anglican 1000(ACNA’s church planting initiative)
Bible-in-a-Day course
Anglican missions
Anglican Relief and Development Fund Canada
Anglican Global Mission Partners (& member agencies)
Anglican information
Anglican Planet
AnglicanTV & Anglican Unscripted
Anglican Ink
Sydney Anglicans
Anglican Church League
Anglican Communion Institute
Anglican Communion News Service

For further resources for clergy and staff you can login to our resources site here: