On December 6, 2022 join us in attending via Zoom an M25 Virtual Gathering specifically for ANiC and our context in Canada. M25’s vision is to see an Anglican expression of justice and mercy in every parish.
This event will have a wide assortment of opportunities to learn and consider how we might cultivate and grow in these expressions in our own parishes including
plenary talks on justice and mercy in an Anglican context
breakout group discussions
field reports
plans for parish formation, affinity groups, and soul care
soaking prayer
and more.
The M25 Gathering events are designed to be a hybrid retreat and conference – offering space to worship, learn, heal and dream. The virtual events condense this vision into several hours, offering a taste of the richness of the full experience.
There will be speakers and leaders from across the continent, including Christine Warner (M25 Executive Director), Rev. Bill Haley, Dr. Danny Carroll R., and Rev. Herb Bailey II.
You can learn more about the Matthew 25 Initiative on their website: anglicanjusticeandmercy.org
You must register to attend. You can request the registration link for your ANiC clergy.
Please also pass on this information to any lay leaders in your congregations involved in or called to mercy and justice ministries who you think might benefit.