Giving Thanks for David Mainse


My dear friends in ANiC,

This past Monday, September 25th, 2017, the entire Christian community of Canada and far beyond was saddened by the news that David Mainse had died. 

This great man of God has completed his wonderful pilgrimage in time and now he has been promoted to glory which is his real home. For him, this is all gain. "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21

But for us who still remain, for his amazing family, for the Crossroad ministry family and countless people including the Diocese of the Anglican Network in Canada we have all suffered loss by his passing.

David was a good and encouraging friend of biblical Anglicanism. He would do anything he could to encourage the Essentials movement in Anglicanism here in Canada and eventually the Anglican Network in Canada which came out of that movement.
In fact from 2004 on, pretty well every major conference and then our first ANiC Synod all happened at the Crossroads Centre with the enthusiastic encouragement of David.

For seven years our parish, St. George's Burlington, worshipped in the Crossroads Chapel, and our diocesan offices are still located at Crossroads.

This is all to say, we, the Diocese of ANiC, thank God for David Mainse. He encouraged us at every step along the way and in very practical ways provided us with a place to grow.

One of our rectors, the Reverend Ray David Glenn at St. George's Burlington, has just written a piece entitled "My Friend David Mainse" which has been posted in The Gospel Coalition Canada website and is a wonderful tribute to his friend. I commend this tribute to you.

Please take time to thank God for David Mainse. For those who are in the Burlington area, consider the visitations and the funeral service which is happening at Queensway Cathedral on Saturday, September 30th.

For everyone anywhere in Canada, 100 Huntley Street is remembering David all this week and Saturday the funeral service will be available live on TV and many time slots afterwards.

I thank God for David. He encouraged me every time we met. I loved his heart for the gospel and I want to grow in that heart myself.

Right now, our Diocese is preparing for our next annual Synod, one day of which will be held at the Crossroads Centre. The theme verses are 2 Timothy 2:8-10 - 

"Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel,
for which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound!
Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory."

2 Timothy 2:8-10

David Mainse like the apostle Paul gave everything he could so that more and more could receive the salvation which is only in Jesus Christ. Through his witness and bold ministry I believe multitudes received that salvation with eternal glory.

With deep Thanksgiving and prayer,

+ Charlie

The Right Reverend Charles Masters

Scott HuntBishop's Messages