Church Building Network

Many ANiC congregations are itching to have their own building. Our House of Bishop has asked Bishop Trevor Walters to give leadership to a network of leaders in these churches. This group is intended to offer mutual encouragement and facilitate the sharing of information, resources, best practices and expertise. Initially the network will meet monthly by conference call and then in person at Synod 2017. 

Who should get involved?

  • Those heading the building committee in their congregation;
  • Leaders of churches in dire need of a church building in the near future;
  • Those who have experience and can share what they have learnt – especially those who led congregations that, in the past decade, bought, refurbished, renovated or erected a church building; and
  • Those who have expertise in finance, fundraising, construction, and real estate development, who can offer wise counsel. 

If you have something to contribute or are in need of advice, please register for the Church Building Network by emailing Jessica in the ANiC office or calling her at 1-866-351-2642 ext 4015.

NewsKenneth Stevenson