Welcomes and Good-byes

We warmly welcome to ANiC the Rev Lloyd Lee, his wife Miriam and son Joey. Lloyd+, who was serving in the Church of England at Christ Church Pennington, is rector of Immanuel Vancouver – effective April 1.

Archdeacon Emeritus Bruce Chamberlayne has stepped down as Archdeacon for the BC Interior and Alberta and, joining Archdeacon Emeritus Desiree Stedman and Dean Emeritus Archie Pell. The "emeritus" designation is bestowed by the House of Bishops to honour those who have stepped down from their functions because of retirement. Bishop Charlie says, "We are extremely thankful for the wonderful ministry each offered ANiC and want to express, in this small way, our deep gratitude and continue to honour them by adding this title 'emeritus'."

The House of Bishop is delighted to announce that the Venerable Terry Lamb, rector of Resurrection (Kelowna, BC), has been appointed to take over as Archdeacon for the BC Interior and Alberta, effective April 1. We extend our very best wishes to Archdeacon Terry.

St Peter's Fireside, sadly, is losing its associate pastor, the Rev Roger Revell, who, with his wife Cindy, will be relocated to the UK in September where Roger will begin a PhD in Christian doctrine. Roger hopes to also serve in a part-time capacity in the Church of England, ideally supporting some rural parishes. 

NewsKenneth Stevenson