Ordinations, Appointments & Developments

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We're excited to report that there are lots of developments happening across the ANiC community these days! Among them are ordinations, new appointments and new congregations joining us. We thought we'd put together a list of some of these to keep us aware of great things the Lord is doing in our midst and to help us all pray for one another.

Here is a list of some of our most recent developments:





August 19/18 – to the Priesthood- Andrew Goddard at Emmaus, Montreal ordained by Bishop Charlie


August 26/18 – to the Diaconate (transitional) - Arnold Mayorga at St John’s, Vancouver to be ordained by Bishop Trevor


September 2/18 – to the Priesthood - Kyle MacKenney at Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church, Madeira Park, BC to be ordained by Bishop Trevor


September 16/18 – to the Diaconate (transitional) - Paul Robinson at Sojourn Church, Vancouver, BC to be ordained by Bishop Trevor


October 12/18 – to the Diaconate (transitional) - Chad Graham and Stephen Lieberman at Christ the King, Edmonton


October 28/18 – to the Diaconate (vocational) - Allan Charles Kraus at Saint Matthew’s Abbotsford




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June 30/18 – the Reverend Richard White who lives in North Bay, Ontario. He is publicly to make his Oaths and receive his licence presented to him by Bishop Charlie at a Prayer Day, September 11/18


July 2/18 – Bishop Terry Buckle who lives in Whitehorse,Yukon. On Sunday, August 26/18, Bishop Terry and his wife Blanche plan to be at the Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd (Vancouver) where he will publicly make his Oaths and Bishop Stephen will present him with his licence. The service is at 11am on Sunday, August 26th.


August 14/18 – the Reverend Shaun O’Connor who lives in Bonavista, Newfoundland. On Monday, August 20/18 at an Inaugural meeting of our newest congregation, All Saints Bonavista, NL, Shaun+ publicly made his Oaths and was presented his licence by Archdeacon Darrell Critch.






Archdeacon Ron Corcoran retired as Regional Archdeacon of Vancouver Island on July 31st/18. On the same day, as is our pattern, when Archdeacons retire, Bishop Charlie granted him the title of Archdeacon Emeritus Ron Corcoran.


The Reverend Rob Szo upon the request and recommendation of Bishop Trevor, Bishop Charlie has appointed Rob+ as the next Regional Archdeacon for Vancouver Island effective September 1/18. Rob+ is the Rector of Church of Our Lord, Victoria, BC.


The Reverend Ryan Matchett has been appointed as the Rector of Christ Church Oceanside on July 1, 2018. His induction will take place on September 9/18.


The Reverend Jared Driscoll has been appointed as Rector of Church of the Resurrection, Brandon and Church of the Redeemer, Dauphin, Manitoba, Jared+ and Joni and their family over the summer have moved to Brandon. Jared+ began his ministry in Manitoba August 1/18. Bishop Charlie is looking forward to officiating at the Induction Service for Jared+ on October 21/18.


Arnold Mayorga has been appointed as Rector(Deacon in Charge at first) of Faith Anglican Church, Limoges, ON and Blackburn Hamlet Community Church, ON effective October 1/18. Arnold will have been ordained to the Diaconate, Lord willing, August 26th and then in September Arnold and Michelle and family will move to Ontario where Arnold will begin his leadership of these two congregations as a Deacon.






Archdeacon Ron Corcoran retired as Regional Archdeacon of Vancouver Island on July 31st/18. 


At the 10th Anniversary Celebration of Blackburn Hamlet Community Church, September 30th, with Bishop Charlie presiding the Reverend Pat Coulombe and the Reverend Karen Bergenstein, both Co Rectors plan to retire.




New Congregations


All Saints Bonavista with the Reverend Shaun O’Connor as priest in charge and the encouragement of Good Samaritan Church will gather for its first Sunday Celebration this coming Sunday August 26/18 at 10:30am where they will be worshipping in the Seventh Day Adventist Church Building.


We also welcomed St. Simon’s Deep Cove in North Vancouver from The Anglican Mission on July 1, 2018.


We thank God for all those mentioned above and their families. Please be much in prayer for all these people and the ministries and congregations they represent.

Scott Hunt