Ordinations in June


We have two ordinations planned for the month of June. Please pray for these ordinands and their families.

June 12 - The Reverend Angus Wu

Rev. Angus Wu will be ordained by Bishop Stephen into the ANiC Diaconate on June 12, 2021 and then into the ANiC Priesthood on July 10th. These ordinations are necessary to transition him from the Lutheran Church to the Anglican Network in Canada before he assumes ministry as new rector of St. Matthias & St. Luke in Vancouver, BC.

You will be able to watch the livestream of the ordination at 10:30am on June 12th here: https://youtu.be/SuXK0xpKkrM

June 27 - The Reverend Devin Hunt

Rev. Deacon Devin Hunt is being ordained to the priesthood at St. Peter and St. Paul’s, Ottawa on June 27, 2021.

Details about a livestream are coming.

Scott Hunt