Cuba Partnerships Update


A number of ANiC congregations have partnered with Cuban congregations planted by Bishop Charlie and Claudia Dorrington of our the Reformed Episcopal Church, a subjurisdiction of the ACNA. Because of the poverty in Cuba these church plants require outside assistance which these ANiC congregations have eagerly provided. However opportunities remain for more ANiC churches to partner with these growing Cuban churches and their church planters.

The following is a recent update from our partners in the Episcopal Reformed Church in Cuba. We continue to be in regular contact with our ministry partners in Cuba. In a recent email they report:

The virus is still very active throughout the country, the official media reports an average of 9000 infections a day and 90 deaths, but we all know that the reality is three times worse.

This situation has led to the collapse of the health and funeral system, exposing the reality we are living in today.

The country is going through its worst political, social and economic crisis creating an uncertain future for the people. There are shortages of basic supplies across the island.

Most of the clergy have been infected with Covid but we thank the Lord that they are recovering. Ministry continues through phone calls, email and WhatsApp.

We continue working pastorally with each family, and in the midst of adversity the church expands and consolidates. Last month we baptized a family of four. Brother Jesus has been of great help in this work.

Recent events have confirmed us in faith. Most of us have had no medical care and very little medication, often none. These extreme circumstances have led us to a new level of spiritual dependence, for this reason the ministers have come together to develop a daily ministry of prayer that we have named: Prayer Torch.

The goal is to remain in prayer and cry out in the presence of God for as long as possible, so that through the day there is always a pastoral family in prayer. We have established a Prayer Chain whereby each minister and his family are in prayer for one hour through the day from 5:00 a.m. through to 6:00 pm. Please continue to uphold us in your prayers. Thank you for these bonds of affection we have in Jesus’ name.

You can learn more about our Cuban Partnerships and how you and your church can get involved here:

Scott Hunt