Synod 2023 Summary

Synod 2023

A summary of our annual general synod

Our annual general synod for 2023 in Vancouver is now complete and we are so grateful for all those who participated, volunteered, prayed for and supported our gathering in so many ways. Our theme this year was “Sent by Jesus” based upon John 20:21 and especially focused on evangelism.

On Tuesday, November 14th we held a day just for clergy. We had over 100 clergy attend and as well as prayer and worship they received teaching and encouragement from Dr. Bruce Hindmarsh. Dr. Hindmarsh, a professor at Regent College and James M. Houston, presented on growing in personal devotion through the Book of Common Prayer and the importance of personal retreats and sabbaticals for leaders. Clergy were also given time for discussion and prayer in small groups. 

On Wednesday, November 15th our lay delegates arrived and we had well over two hundred clergy, lay delegates and observers in attendance with over 75% of our eligible congregations represented. Krista Carter from St. John’s Richmond led the music each day of synod sometimes with a team of other musicians, using a mix of hymns and songs. We were pleased to receive teaching from Richard Borgonon, founder of the evangelism resource The Word One to One. He presented on the typical challenges and reluctance of many Christians to engage in our mission of evangelism; the history and logic of The Word One to One; and then practical ways to use the resource to share the good news of Jesus by reading the gospel of John one on one with people.

We also heard reports from some of our new church plants and projects across the country from PEI to British Columbia. Executive Archdeacon Alex Pryor of the Diocese of the Arctic in the Anglican Church of Canada also brought greetings and shared with us about his diocese.

In the evening we held our opening Eucharist service which included our Bishop’s Charge from Bishop Dan Gifford; a call to God’s mission and the “multiplication of ministry” among us. The Bishop charged us into the mindset of Christ and “Kingdom Thinking.”

On Thursday, November 16th we again began with Morning Prayer followed by Bible teaching from Richard Borgonon. Then we moved into our episcopal election to elect a Suffragan Bishop to provide care for the West region of the diocese. The election was observed by Bishop John Guernsey from our province of the ACNA. After two ballots the Venerable Mike Stewart, rector of Saint Matthew’s Abbotsford, was elected by a two-thirds majority of both the clergy and lay delegates. Synod sang the Doxology in grateful response to God’s direction. Ven. Mike accepted the election and both candidates spoke with exceptional graciousness for one another. The election of our new bishop-elect will now be submitted to the ACNA College of Bishops for confirmation at their gathering in January 2024.

We concluded our day with many wonderful presentations, reports and testimonies from across the diocese including new churches who have joined us this year and mission initiatives. Bishop Stephen shared about the work of our Asian and Multicultural Ministries in Canada (AMMiC), the ways they are seeking to reach multicultural communities and resource our churches to reach different cultural groups in our neighbourhoods. Bishop Dan interviewed Rev. Dr. Ken Deeks, principal of Packer College, on its new expanded vision for greater accessibility and flexibility, their new development task force, classes beginning this winter, and hopes for the year ahead.

On Friday, November 17th after Morning Prayer we received Bible teaching from Bishop John Guernsey and then watched a video message from Bishop Charlie Masters who was unable to attend as he regains strength after recent chemotherapy.

The audited financial statements were presented and received and our budget for 2023-2024 was approved. Together as the ANiC family we affirmed, both by prayer and in our budget, our deep commitment to theological education, training of new parish ministers, preparing laity for evangelism, and the planting of new congregations. We celebrated and gave thanks that some ANiC parishes have the capacity to do this work directly; and we acknowledged the opportunity for smaller parishes and individuals to support this exciting work by contributing to the ANiC funds established for these purposes.

Bishop Dan interviewed Evan Baker about a new committee we’ve formed for fundraising and financial development as we seek to multiply leaders and churches across the country. Evan and Bishop Dan are on that committee along with Ed Brett, our treasurer Ed Lewis, and our Executive Director Canon Howard Edwards. We held our ANiC Council election for four open positions. Our two lay nominees, Elise Bigley and Cathy Bailey, were acclaimed and Rev. Ken Deeks and Rev. Shaun O’Connor were elected to the two clergy positions.

Other encouraging reports and testimonies were shared. Bishop Dan gave his assent to the motions made and prorogued synod until our next meeting. Our time together then concluded after lunch with our closing Eucharist celebrated by Bishop Stephen Leung with sermon by Bishop Ron Ferris

You can watch some parts of Synod 2023 on our YouTube Channel (more to come), including Bishop Dan Gifford’s charge to the diocese here. 

Thank you again to all who were able to attend and take part in this important week together. We are so grateful for all your sacrifices and support in making it a valuable and successful gathering. Please join us in praying for our diocese in the year ahead, in particular for our new bishop-elect and his family, for our new churches and church plants, and for our efforts in evangelism as we seek to share the glorious life-bringing news of Jesus Christ with our neighbours, colleagues, friends and families. 

Scott HuntSynod