Church Plant Update - Messiah West

Rev. Daniel Avitan is father of three and lead pastor at Messiah West, a church plant near Ottawa, Ontario. Birthed from their parent church, Church of the Messiah, Messiah West began services in October of 2021. We had a chance to ask Daniel about what’s happening these days at Messiah West.

Tell us a little about yourself, Daniel.

Daniel: I have been involved in church ministry for over a decade, serving in the local church here in Ottawa. I joined Church of the Messiah as an intern in 2017, hoping to discern a call, learn from Rev. George Sinclair and explore the possibility of church planting with ANiC. I was made a deacon in the Spring of 2019 and a presbyter in 2020 (during lockdowns!) and began the church planting with my wife, Christine and our young kids. 

In what ways have you seen growth and development in your church plant?

Daniel: There are many! The biggest growth is in our people. They are growing in their faith and friendships with one another. There is a growing appetite to worship in the Anglican Way, precisely because our people love the Scriptures and find our worship deeply biblical. We have also grown in number since moving to our current location on Sunday mornings, with some 20-25 kids on Sundays. 

The old adage that 20% of the people do 80% of the work does not apply to us. New people have volunteered almost immediately and over half of the congregation participates in service in some kind of way on Sundays and throughout the week.

Finally, warmth and hospitality have become hallmarks of our church culture. A common story among our congregants is from individuals and families who had fallen out of the practice of attending church finding a new home in our congregation and a deep connection to our church community.

What’s one specific story from your plant that’s been a real encouragement to you?

Daniel: B. had not been to church in 40 years. She grew up in a Christian family but was afraid of the church due to painful experiences in her youth. Through a series of "coincidences", our paths crossed, and ever so slowly, she began attending the odd church service, and the occasional Bible study, and then eventually, as she experienced the grace of Christ and the warmth of our congregation, became a fixture in our church. She has been an absolute blessing to our church family, quietly extending grace to others behind the scenes, reaching out when she sees people in pain, and growing beautifully in her own faith. 

What are your biggest needs right now?

Daniel: Our biggest need would be finding a Music Coordinator to bring leadership and development to our people. Ideally, this person could also help Daniel with administrative and outreach work. We are experiencing a lot of growth and with it comes a growth in our workload! This of course is a cost that may be out of reach for a young church plant like ours however we trust that as we follow the Lord's leading, he will provide what we need. Will you pray with us for a music and ministry coordinator to partner with us as we proclaim the gospel in West Ottawa?

Planting new churches is a major priority for us as a diocese of parishes and one we need extra financial giving to pursue. Church planters need our support as they establish these churches. Will you consider giving so we can continue to multiply leaders and churches across the continent? You can give here: