Bishops' Conclave to Elect the Next Primate

Beginning on Thursday, June 20th, the bishops of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) will be gathering in conclave in Latrobe, Pennsylvania to discern and elect the next archbishop (Primate) of the province. Archbishop Foley Beach has served his five year term and now the next primate must be elected. The process could take up to three or four days. (Learn more about bishops' conclaves.)

From our diocese Bishops Dan Gifford, Stephen Leung, Mike Stewart, Charlie Masters, and Trevor Walters will be present and part of the conclave.


Archbishop's Call to Prayer

Watch this video message from Archbishop Foley Beach calling us to prayer for the conclave and election.


Pray With Us

Will you join us in prayer for this very significant gathering for the life of our province? Pray for our bishops that God will lead and guide them and that there will be great discernment and unity in the selection of the next Primate.


Next week, following the conclave, begins the Provincial Assembly, where clergy and lay delegates and observers from all across the ACNA will gather. We will have more information about the assembly and our ANiC delegation next week. But you can learn more about the Assembly here.

Scott Hunt