Archdeacon Critch Elected in Madagascar

A letter from Bishop Dan regarding the election of Archdeacon Darrell Critch in Madagascar

I gladly write you with news that on Saturday, August 24th Archdeacon Darrell Critch was elected the Diocesan Bishop of Mahajanga, Madagascar in the Province of the Indian Ocean. This is a GAFCON diocese in which, among his many responsibilities as diocesan bishop, he will be called upon to strengthen clergy and lay leadership in their gospel ministry, and develop the infrastructure of the diocese through fundraising. He will also prepare them for their first indigenous bishop to be elected in the future.

Over the past couple of months, as we approached the election, Bishop Mike, Bishop Stephen and I have been praying for Father Darrell, his wife Sarah, and son Chase, while they have been discerning God’s will in this matter. 

His new position as a missionary bishop in Madagascar is not meant to be permanent and will allow him to retain his home in St. John’s, with much travel. 

Therefore, in conversation with my fellow ANIC bishops, and with the Chancellors of the Diocese and of the Province, it is our intent that Archdeacon Darrell will remain the priest in charge at Church of the Good Samaritan. We see him returning to Good Samaritan and taking up his position as rector (albeit in bishops orders) again in the future. In this season when he is travelling significantly, I will appoint a Vicar who will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of Good Samaritan.


I look forward to us, as a diocese, commissioning, blessing and praying for this new work which the Critch family is being called into. Our new connection with the Diocese of Mahajanga will open new opportunities for the growth of Gospel ministry as we partner with them in mission. I look forward to the influence which our diocese, Packer College, and Church of the Good Samaritan will have on the missionary work which Father Darrell, and Sarah and Chase have now been called to do. Please keep them and the church in your prayers during this time of great change. 

May God bless the work of His Gospel in Madagascar and in Canada as they continue to serve Jesus faithfully and in the power of His Holy Spirit.


Yours in Christ,


The Right Reverend Dan Gifford
Diocesan Bishop

Scott Hunt