Reading the Bible this Year

A invitation from Bishop Dan

Dear friends,

As we enter into 2025 and this Epiphany season we have new opportunities every day to let the words of God shape us, fill us and guide us. The word of God written, the Bible, is an extraordinary gift and by it we know His redemptive plan and the good news of His glorious grace for us in the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

The apostle Paul told us that all Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness (2Tim 3:16). Jesus opened the Old Testament to his disciples and showed them how He was in it all (Lk 24:27). In Colossians the Apostle Paul exhorts the church to let the word of Christ dwell in them richly (Col 3:16), and this is our prayer for all of us in the Anglican Diocese of Canada as we seek to be Biblically faithful, Gospel sharing people.

So, join me in seeking to make Bible reading an even greater priority in our lives this year. I know it can at times be difficult, as life has so many competing tasks, needs and draws, and we only have so much time each day. But with every morning God has new mercies for us, and each day new opportunities to again root ourselves in God’s words and truth, and to let Him form us by them.

Below we’ve included some plans which may be of help to you in reading through the Bible. Each has different strategies for how to cover the expanse of Scripture in helpful ways. Some also have short devotional guides which can help you consider what you’ve read.

A further way to foster God’s word dwelling in you is through catechism. This week the To Be A Christian catechism app has just been released for Apple and Android devices, and I highly recommend it to you. Much work has been put into this app and it is a very friendly way to interact with catechism. 

Friends, I pray that in one way or another you will keep coming back to the Bible over and over and let the word of Christ dwell richly. May you be transformed by the renewing of your mind as God forms you through His powerful Word this year.  

Yours in the Grace and Peace of Jesus,


The Right Reverend Dan Gifford
Diocesan Bishop

Bible Reading Plans

There are many excellent Bible reading plans, apps and books available. Here are a few that you may find helpful:

Scott Hunt