About Synod
Our annual general synod this year is to be hosted by Church of the Good Shepherd Vancouver on November 15-17, 2023. This synod will be an electoral gathering as we elect together a new suffragan bishop. This bishop will be the area bishop for our western region.
This year our theme is “Sent By Jesus” based on John 20:21. And we will have a special focus on evangelism and our priority as a diocese to be equipping and sending our members to be bold witnesses to the good news of Jesus. We will also have a special day for clergy on the Tuesday, wonderful teaching sessions, the Bishop’s Charge, reports and testimonies, meals together, and more. You can read Bishop Dan’s invitation here.
Read below for more about our speakers, venue, registration, agenda and hotel rates.
Our Theme Verse
“Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”
John 20:21
Church of the Good Shepherd
189 West 11th Avenue
Vancouver, BC, V5Y1S8
(see map)
Rector: Bishop Stephen Leung
Website: ancgoodshepherd.org
Accommodations are the responsibility of synod attendees. You are free to stay wherever is convenient for you, whether with friends or family, contacts at local parishes, or at a hotel.
Hotel Group Rate
We have a group rate for a limited number of rooms at the Holiday Inn on Broadway. If you are a Synod attendee you are welcome to book a room there while supplies last. There are many other accommodation options in the area but these rooms are at a reduced rate.
You can use this link to book online using the group rate: Book NowWhen booking by phone mention that you are with the Anglican Network in Canada to receive our group rate details.
The hotel is a 10-15 minute walk from our synod host church.