Prayer Calendar - November 2018


Praise items and prayer requests coming from within ANiC, ACNA and the Anglican Communion for each day of this month.

1.    Our diocese– Pray for the Anglican Network in Canada and all our parishes across Canada and in New England. Pray for revival in our churches. We desperately need the Lord.

2.    Our province and primate– Pray for Archbishop Foley Beach (& Allison) as he gives godly leadership to the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA).Pray also for him as he prepares to take on the new strategic role as chairman of the Gafcon primates’ council in April 2019.

3.    Pray for Bishop Charlie Masters (& Judy) as he leads ANiC. May God grant him the health, strength, discernment and the passion he needs for this heavy responsibility. Pray also for him as he prepares for ANiC’s upcoming Diocesan Synod in Abbotsford in a few days.

4.    Pray for ANiC’s suffragan bishops:Bishops Stephen Leung (& Nona) and Trevor Walters (& Dede). Pray for health, wisdom and vision as they care for clergy and churches. 
-Pray for Bishop Stephen and his family as they grieve the loss of their dear daughter, Janice.
-Pray for Bishop Trevor as he continues his cancer treatment.
-Pray also for Bishop Don Harvey (& Trudy) in his roles as ANiC’s episcopal vicar and as senior chaplain to the ACNA College of Bishops. Pray for his continued health and strength.

5.    Pray for Bishop Ron Ferris (& Jan) as he fulfills his important role as Assisting Bishop for Missionary Planning. Pray also for our retired bishop, Bishop Malcolm Harding (& Marylou). Thank God for their fruitful ministries.

6.    ANiC Synod 2018: Pray for all our ANiC Clergy as we begin synod with Clergy Day. Historically, this has been a day of great encouragement and blessing to all of our bishops, priests and deacons. Pray that it will be so once again.

7.    ANiC Synod 2018: Today is Workshop Day. Our Synod theme is “For the Harvest”. Pray for each of the workshop speakers that God will give them power and clarity to deliver their message, and that each delegate will be both encouraged and emboldened to be a bold witness for Christ.
Pray also for Bishop Charlieas he delivers his Bishop’s Charge at the Opening Eucharist.

8.    ANiC Synod 2018: Pray for our morning Bible Study teachers. Pray also for the presentation and ensuing discussion around the “Beyond a Lifeboat” proposal concerning multiple dioceses. May the Holy Spirit grant us all great Grace as we seek to hear the Lord’s will and purposes for ANiC moving forward!

9.    ANiC Synod 2018: On this final day of synod, pray for safety for all delegates returning home, and that they will carry with them to their parishes a renewed passion for the Harvest of the thousands who do not know the love and saving grace of our Lord Jesus. May they be contagious in their fervor for the Gospel!

10. Pray for our Missionary Bishop Andy Lines (& Mandy). Given the spiritual drift from orthodoxy of the Church of England and the Scottish Episcopal Church, his ministry to orthodox evangelicals is vital. Pray for wisdom, courage and protection from discouragement.

11. ANiC council, chancellor & registrar– Pray for wisdom and servant hearts as they serve ANiC. May they know God’s leading, seek His will, and experience His joy. 

12. ANiC staff & volunteers– Pray for strength for the tasks, faithfulness in service, and joy in the Lord. May God’s blessing rest on ANiC as we seek to know, love & serve Him.

13. Asian & Multicultural Ministries in Canada (AMMiC)– May God bless this ministry as it reaches ethnic communities & new immigrants with the Gospel, and plants new churches.

14. ANiC archdeacons, canons & all clergy– Pray for spiritual and physical protection and renewal as well as for God’s blessing on them, their spouses & families. Pray especially for grace and the power of the Spirit as they re-engage their day-to-day responsibilities.

15. ANiC’s New England congregations
Holy Trinity (Marlborough, MA) 
St Brigid of Kildare (Medway, MA)
Holy Trinity (Attleboro, MA)
All Saints’ (Rutland, VT)
Emmanuel - Chinese (Boston, MA)

16. ANiC congregations in Newfoundland & the Atlantic Provinces
St Stephen the Martyr (St John’s, NL) 
Resurrection (Halifax, NS)
Good Samaritan (St John’s, NL)   
Christ the King (Quispamsis, NB)
All Saints (Bonavista, NL)

17. ANiC congregations in Quebec 
Emmaus (Montreal) 
St Timothy’s (Montreal) 
St James (Lennoxville) 

18.  ANiC congregations in the Ottawa area
Faith Anglican (Limoges)                  
St Luke’s (Pembroke) 
Messiah (Ottawa)                
Blackburn Hamlet Community (Ottawa)
St Peter & St Paul’s (Ottawa)         
Grace (Mississippi Mills)
Eternal Hope (Carleton Place)

19. ANiC congregations in Ontario
St Aidan’s (Windsor)         
St Aidan’s at River’s Bend (Belle River)
Cornerstone Anglican Church (Sarnia)      
New Life (Sturgeon Falls)
The Way (Wasaga Beach)                  
The Gate (Sault Ste Marie)

20. ANiC congregations in Ontario
St Hilda’s (Oakville)           
St Peter by the Park (Hamilton) 
St George’s (Burlington)
Epiphany (Hamilton)
Good Shepherd (St Catharines)    
St Jude (Guelph)

21. ANiC congregations in Greater Toronto and eastern Ontario
St Chad’s (Toronto)           
Celebration Church (Barrie)
Christ The King (Toronto)                
New Song (Port Perry)
Bethel South Asian (Brampton)   
Living Waters (Kingston)
St James Fellowship (Trenton)

22.  ANiC congregations in Saskatchewan & Manitoba 
Resurrection (Brandon, MB)          
St Bede’s (Kinosota, MB)
Redeemer (Dauphin, MB)                
Cornerstone (Regina, SK)
Saint Saviour’s, (Lloydminster SK)

23. ANiC congregations in Alberta
Holy Trinity - Filipino (Edmonton)               
Grace Anglican (Calgary)
Christ the King (Edmonton)           
Good Shepherd - Cantonese (Calgary)
Living Water (Athabasca)

24. ANiC congregations in the Fraser Valley & Interior of BC
Ascension (Langley)           
Resurrection (Kelowna)
Saint Matthew’s (Abbotsford)      
Christ Church (Kelowna)
Church of the Holy Cross (Abbotsford)
new projects in Houston and Smithers

25. ANiC congregations in the Vancouver area
St John’s (Vancouver)      
Sojourn Church (UBC, Vancouver)
St John’s (Richmond)       
Immanuel Church (Vancouver)
St Peter’s Fireside (Vancouver)     
St Andrews (Delta) 

26. ANiC congregations in the Vancouver area
St Matthias and St Luke (Vancouver)          
Good Shepherd Richmond – Chinese 
All Nations – Japanese     
St John’s – Sudanese (Surrey)
Good Shepherd Vancouver – Chinese        
St Timothy’s (North Vancouver)
St Simon’s (North Vancouver)

27. ANiC congregations on Vancouver Island & Sunshine Coast
Open Gate Church (Victoria) 
Living Edge (Victoria)
Church of Our Lord (Victoria)       
Christ’s Church (Oceanside)
The Table (Victoria, SaanichPeninsula)    
Christ the Redeemer (Pender Harbour)

28.  Pray for the Anglican Relief and Development Fund Canada (ARDFC) as it is partnering with the Anglican Diocese of Egypt to help support the continued development of a Vocational Training Center in Giza, Egypt. The Vocational Training Center will enrol 144 students, both male and female, between the ages of 16 and 30. The life impact will also include 432 family members. In addition 15 – 20 students will qualify for a small business loan to start a business.

29. ANiC’s 5 Ministry Priorities– Pray that God will use these five priorities to transform us and our parishes: Bold Witnesses; Biblically Grounded; Loving Children & Families; On Mission; and Planting & Growing Churches.

30. Pray for a fresh outpouring of repentance and revival upon our nations and our world! “Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains might quake at your presence - as when fire kindles brushwood and the fire causes water to boil - to make your name known to your adversaries, and that the nations might tremble at your presence!” Isaiah 64:1-2 ESV