Our Episcopal Electoral Nominating Committee is currently receiving nominations for the position of ANiC Suffragan Bishop, to be elected at our 2023 Synod in November. This bishop will succeed Bishop Trevor Walters and serve as our Area Bishop for our Western region. Below you can read the requirements to be a candidate and access the form for submitting a nomination to the Electoral Nominating Committee (ENC).

What are the qualifications for nominees?


The New Testament speaks about qualifications for leadership in the church: 1 Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-4.

The Constitutions and Canons of ACNA Qualifications for Leadership:

“A Bishop is an overseer of the flock and as such is called to propagate, to teach, and to uphold and defend the faith and order of the Church willingly and as God wants him to – not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to his care, but being a wholesome example to the entire flock of Christ” (1 Peter 5:2-3).

To be a suitable candidate for the episcopate, a person must:

  1. Be a person of prayer and strong faith;

  2. Be pious, have good morals and exhibit Godly character;

  3. Have a zeal for souls;

  4. Have demonstrated evidence of the fruit of the Holy Spirit;

  5. Possess the knowledge and gifts which equip him to fulfill the office;

  6. Be held in good esteem by the faithful;

  7. Be a male Presbyter at least 35 years old and not ever divorced;

  8. Have demonstrated the ability to lead and grow the Church.

  9. Shall be an ACNA Bishop or a bishop with whom ACNA is in communion or a presbyter who is in communion with ACNA and has held Anglican orders for at least ten (10) years.


All nominees will be required to submit to a thorough background check and a psychological screening process.

How To Nominate

To nominate an individual for Bishop 10 votes are required:

Five (5) votes from each of the following groups:

A) ANiC Bishop and ANiC Clergy together:
B) Lay delegates who are eligible to vote at synod 2023:

Completed nomination forms must be submitted to Executive Archdeacon Paul Charbonneau, chair of the Electoral Nominating Committee, no later than June 1, 2023.


Nomination Form

You can use the form below to submit a nomination,
fill in this PDF (download here) and email it to Executive Archdeacon Paul Charbonneau.